Le Nélie will exceptionally close at 6pm on Saturdays March 29, April 5 and 12.
Master of Raphael
Considered by his contemporaries as one of the greatest painters in Italy, Perugino (1450-1523) pioneered a new style of painting during the last decades of the 15th century and the first two of 16th century, which profoundly influenced the period. His crystal-clear art, made of translucence, harmonious colours and theatrical lighting, aroused a great deal of interest, and the original impressions of grace and seduction which he developed make him one of the best representatives of the Italian Renaissance.
More than just a chronological study of the artistic career of Perugino and his contemporaries, the exhibition will highlight the vital contributions these paintings made to the art and culture of their time. Pietro Perugino was the leader of an international artistic style which would spread throughout the rest of Europe thanks to the young Raphael (1483-1520), one of Perugino's students, whose works met with great success.
In this regard, the exhibition of some sixty paintings will establish a direct link between Perugino's and Raphael's works in relation to two main foci – landscape and portrait – to underline the stylistic continuity that developed between master and student. This will show how Pietro Perugino created and perfected an artistic language which the young Raphael then sensitively made his own, brining it to a much wider audience.
The team
The curatorial team
Vittoria Garibaldi, general curator of the exhibition.
Director of the Perugia Galleria Nazionale of Umbria from 1988 to 2011, Vittoria Garibaldi has held various positions of responsibility in the Italian cultural administration. General Director of Cultural Heritage in Umbria (2006-2007), then Campania (2007-2008), she was Superintendent for the Historical, Artistic and Ethno-anthropological Heritage of Umbria from 2008 to 2011.
Vittoria Garibaldi is the author of numerous publications on Pietro Perugino. She has also been the curator of important exhibitions such as Perugino, il divin pittore (2004 – Perugia, Galleria Nazionale of Umbria), Pintoricchio (2008 – Perugia, Galleria Nazionale of Umbria; Orvieto, Libreria Alberi; Città di Castello, Pinacoteca cominale) or Luca Signorelli “de ingegno et spirto pelegrino” (2012 - Galleria Nazionale of Umbria, Perugia). She is now Director of the Diagnosis Laboratory for the cultural heritage of Spoleto.
Nicolas Sainte-Fare Garnot, curator of the exhibition.
An art historian specialising in seventeenth-century French painting, Nicolas Sainte-Fare Garnot has been curator at the Musée Jacquemart-André since 1993. Since his appointment, he has reorganised the distribution of the collections according to the original programme and has initiated various restoration and inventory campaigns.
Hubert Le Gall, born in 1961, is a French designer, creator and sculptor of contemporary art. He was elected “Creator of the year” at Maison& Objet 2012. His work has formed the subject of numerous exhibitions throughout Europe. Since 2000 he has produced original scenographies for exhibitions.